Book an initial consult with Canine College today for you and your beloved dog's first step into doggy education.

Take advantage of our special introductory rate and give your dog the best start.

What methods do you use in training dogs?

A: Welcome! Above all, we strive to create a fun and positive environment for you and your dog. Through a spirit of collaboration and cooperation, we aim to build a strong bond between you and your dog, working as a closely-knit team towards achieving your shared goals. Our education methods prioritise kindness and gentleness, ensuring that your dog understands what to do in any situation, regardless of the equipment they may be wearing. Join us, and let's embark on this exciting journey together!

What is your training philosophy?

A: Our dog education philosophy revolves around five golden rules for dog education. First and foremost, we prioritise going at your dog's pace, ensuring their comfort and progress. Secondly, we emphasise the importance of consistency and patience, as they are the keys to success in training. Additionally, we make sure that the rewards provided are truly worthwhile, motivating your furry friend. Moreover, we focus on setting your dog up for success by providing them with the right environments and opportunities. Lastly, at Canine College, we firmly believe in positive reinforcement and never punishing our adorable companions.

How can I start?

A: Welcome to Canine College! For your initial experience, we kindly request you to book a 90-minute consultation. This will allow us to have a comprehensive discussion about your desires and expectations regarding your relationship with your beloved dog. By doing so, we guarantee that our education sessions will be custom-tailored to meet your individual needs.

What classes are available?

A: Our dog education training options include regular small group and one-on-one sessions, as well as our exciting half-day Canine College Boot Camp. During these intensive and super fun sessions, we dive deep into skill work, dedicating four hours to working on detailed skills one-on-one with your dog. Not only will these sessions supercharge your dog's education, but you'll also receive a breakdown of how to continue practising at home. We'll even provide you and your dog with some enjoyable homework to strengthen your bond and further build your skillset. Get ready for an engaging and rewarding training experience!

What is your location?

A: We've got you covered! We’re thrilled to announce that we'll be travelling to anywhere within a 30-minute drive of Fitzroy North. If you're located in other suburbs, don't worry, we can still make it work! There might just be a small travel fee involved. Reach out to Lois, and have a chat about the possibilities.

Who will train my dog?

A: Hey there! It's Lois Kerr, your dedicated educator at Canine College, excited to connect with you! I've spent a lifetime being completely and utterly obsessed with dogs, loving them in all shapes and forms. In 2022, I made a life-changing decision to turn my passion into my life's work. I've had the privilege of training under the best in the business with exceptional training from the industry's finest right here in Australia, and I cannot wait to share my extensive knowledge with you and your beloved dogs. Together, let's embark on an exciting journey of learning and growth.

What age can my puppy start training?

A: At Canine College, we're obsessed with puppies! And we believe the younger they are, the more potential they have. That's why we specialise in early intervention puppy education. Our top priority is setting pups up for an extraordinary future while nurturing their confidence and kindness. I can't express how passionate I am about this subject. The first few weeks and months are critical in shaping a puppy's confidence and preventing future problems. Through socialisation and exposing them to various people and situations, we ensure our puppies grow into confident and calm dogs. Join us on this incredible journey of building a brighter future for our dogs!:

Do you accept all dog breeds?

A: Absolutely! We absolutely adore large breeds. With our extensive experience in handling working breeds, we truly understand their unique requirements. We have a plethora of exciting ideas to keep them engaged and content. We are well aware that working breeds thrive on having a purpose, and if we don't provide them with one, they'll find their own (and it may not always be ideal). But fret not, because we are here to ensure they stay happily occupied with activities that are both rewarding and fulfilling! Check out our Canine College Boot Camp.